§ 8-16-11. Impoundment and redemption of cats.
lmpoundment .
First impoundment.
Any cat found in violation of this chapter shall be apprehended and incarcerated in the city animal shelter, and the owner notified, if known. Such cat shall be held for at least three business days during which time the owner may redeem or repossess the same upon payment of $80.00, plus $15.00 for each day of confinement to defray the cost of the capture of such animal and the protection of the public. If not reclaimed or redeemed by the owner within such time, the animal will become the property of the shelter and the animal may be designated for adoption, as provided for in section 8-16-8, or humanely put to death as soon as practicable thereafter.
Second impoundment.
Should a cat belonging to the same owner be picked up for a second time within two years of the date of the first offense, the owner may redeem and repossess the cat upon payment of $150.00, plus $15.00 for each day of confinement to defray the cost of the capture of such animal and the protection of the public.
Third impoundment.
Should a cat belonging to the same owner be picked up for a third time within three years of the date of the first offense, the administrator of the animal shelter, or his or her agent, will serve a summons upon the owner of the animal. The owner shall also be liable for a penalty of not less than $225.00 to defray the cost of capture of the animal and protection of the public, with a boarding fee of $15.00 per day being charged.
Second impoundment.
Should a cat belonging to the same owner be picked up for a second time within two years of the date of the first offense, the owner may redeem and repossess the cat upon payment of $150.00, plus $7.00 for each day of confinement to defray the cost of the capture of such animal and the protection of the public.
The second impoundment fee is reduced to $110.00 if the owner provides proof within 30 days that the animal is altered or if the owner agrees and provides proof thereof within 30 days that the unaltered animal has been sterilized.
Third impoundment.
Should a cat belonging to the same owner be picked up for a third time within three years of the date of the first offense, the administrator of the animal shelter, or his or her agent, will serve a summons upon the owner of the animal. The owner shall also be liable for a penalty of not less than $225.00 to defray the cost of capture of the animal and protection of the public, with a boarding fee of $7.00 per day being charged.
The third impoundment fee is reduced to $185.00 if the owner provides proof within 30 days that the unaltered animal has been sterilized.
Sterilization at the animal shelter. When an owner is reclaiming an animal that is not spayed or neutered and the owner chooses to sterilize the animal pursuant to this section, the owner will he given the option of having the animal sterilized at the animal shelter by the staff veterinarian when such person is available.
(Ord. No. 5214, § 13, 9-7-2007; Ord. No. 5433, § 1, 1-3-2012)